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painted hummingbird with purple flowers
Wendy's Way
hand painted fence postswith roses scene

Wrapped in Simple Beauty ePACKET ePP782

You’re sure to have come upon a setting with these old split rail fences sometime in your childhood.


Hopefully painting this will take you right back there!

About Wendy

Wendy says, “Out of everything that I do, this is one of my favourite things! I love teaching decorative painting and demonstrating painting techniques for many enthusiastic painters. I've definitely made a great many friends along the way, and I’m incredibly lucky to have my best friends by my side helping me run Wendy's Way. I have a very wonderful family: a devoted husband, two sons, a daughter and seven grandchildren. I've been painting for most of my life, and  I’ve operated Wendy's Way decorative painting studio for the last 20+ years in Lively, Ontario, Canada.”


Wendy teaches decorative painting classes on various surfaces, holds painting workshops and ZOOM painting classes online. She has over 730+ published designs and sells her art patterns online. Enjoy looking through her designs, and we hope you have fun painting Wendy’s Way!

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